Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why You Should Check Your Prostate Gland

By Peter Yang

For a lot of people visiting the doctor can be awkward. Sadly this is often more the case with men than women. It can be difficult especially when discussing problems with sensitive areas such as the Prostate Gland.

Problems often start to occur as men reach their forties and so this is often the time to start examining your prostate yourself. It is also around this time that you should arrange an appointment with your doctor. While this is not necessarily a time to panic, this is often the time when you should be aware of any potential symptoms.

The reason for this is that if any symptoms are left undetected then problems can arise. Due to the nature of its function this could potentially mean incontinence or impotence. In some cases it can also lead to prostate cancer. Therefore early detection and vigilance are important. While it is not an easy thing to discuss it is something that should be dealt with as soon as possible.

The first thing to do is get the right surgical gloves and lubrication. You should check online for medically certified companies to buy the right equipment needed for the task. If you are not sure about this you should discuss it with your doctor to find the right places to purchase medical supplies.

The area that you are looking for is around the wall of the rectum. It is often described as being the size of a walnut. In some respects this can be misleading as this often gives people the mental image of something that is hard. When checking your prostate gland you are looking to see if it feels soft. If it feels hard then you should book an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Other symptoms to be aware of are to do with urination. If while you are urinating your bladder never feels empty then this could be a sign. Other common things to check include a burning sensation while urinating or a weaker stream. If you have difficulty maintaining an erection then this can also be an indicator of a possible problem.

For some people they may find it awkward to do an examination on themselves. For some there may be an element of embarrassment, something they do not want to admit to. For others it may simply be that they do not feel sufficiently confident to know what they are looking for and may worry about getting it wrong. If you are not sure then it is often sensible to book an appointment with the doctor for your first examination. They can show you how to do it for yourself or you can book in for regular examinations.

There is always the danger that people ignore problems with their Prostate Gland, thinking that the problem will either go away or that it is something that is inevitable. This may not necessarily be the case and treatment is often available. If you have any concerns it is important to book an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Look online for more information about treatments in your local area and more guidance on self examination.

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