Saturday, December 17, 2011

Top Questions and Answers About Prostate Cancer

By John Ward

Prostate Cancer is a frightful thing, as any major sickness, to have to face. Here are the top queries and responses that surround this cancer and for your prostate health they're crucial to know.

No1: - What exactly is the prostate gland.

The prostate is a vital part of the male reproductive system. It is situated between the bladder and the bowel and is roughly the dimensions of a walnut.

No:2 - What's prostate cancer.

After carcinoma of the epidermis, prostate cancer is the number 2 killer of men in the US.

The illness develops slowly and develops later on in life for most cases. That is the reason why it's so crucial to be perceived early so as treatment options are better set up.

Question 3: Who is in jeopardy from prostate cancer.

The highest risk is to older men, although all males are liable to contracting this kind of cancer. Black men and those with a family history of prostate cancer are at the most serious risk.

Question 4: What are the symptoms of prostate cancer.

When the symptoms start to develop, a few of these symptoms are blood in the pee, pain when urinating and frequent agony in the lumbar region.

Question 5: How is the tumor diagnosed.

The presence of the carcinoma can only be definitely confirmed thru a biopsy of the prostate. This removes tissue samples which are sent for an exam.

Question 6: How is the disease handled.

It is treated trough radiation therapy or by prostate surgery where the gland is removed.

Question 7: Can a man be screened for the prostate cancer.

This is often done thru 2 common tests. It has be be stated that either test can't confirm the presence of the malignancy, but only if any problems exist which then indicate more testing.

The initial test is the digital colonic where the doctor inspects the prostate for any hard areas. Another one is a blood test to work out if there is any prostate precise antigen (PSA) present.

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