Thursday, December 29, 2011

Understanding Prostate Cancer Symptoms

By Anthony Jones

Prostate cancer is the leading cancer among men in North America. Early detection is important since the outlook for successful treatment is very high with the earlier cancer stages. Prostate cancer can grow very slowly or be very aggressive, so your urologist will want to check your PSA levels and do a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis and monitor the disease. Younger men (50-80) faced with prostate cancer are often concerned with significant side effects after treatment. Radiation and surgery can often result in incontinence and impotence. General health, age and the stage of the cancer will also impact the treatment decision.

Common problems faced One of the major problems faced by people who are suffering from this type of cancer is that the growth of prostate cancer is very slow when compared to other forms of cancers like lung and colon.

Due to this even doctor find it very difficult to diagnose them, usually such cancer is diagnosed a year after the symptoms are seen in most cases. But lately the deaths due to prostate have reduced by 70 % due to the effective treatments available and the awareness created in men regarding Prostate Cancer Symptoms.

Generally, individuals who choose this method only need one round of treatment, which can last 2-3 hours. However, more treatments can be scheduled if needed if the cancer is persistent and PSA scores are still elevated months later

All these need not be due to such a kind of cancer they can also be due to many normal things. Hence the person need not get tensed, the person just needs to consult a doctor and get their advice to make sure they are safe.

Other symptoms of this cancer There are further some symptoms of this cancer that should not be neglected at any cost. These include blood in the urine and semen. These signs are something that you should act upon immediately in order to avoid future health complications. Even swelling in the legs is one of the symptoms that one should not neglect as this can be associated with the cancer.

Most published data and clinical results of more than 10 years of HIFU in Europe and North America are based on the Ablatherm HIFU device. There is one other HIFU device manufactured by a US company called Sonablate. The first North American clinic to offer the procedure was the Maple Leaf HIFU clinic. They began offering the procedure in 2005, shortly after Health Canada approved it in 2003. That clinic, located inside the Cleveland Clinic Canada, is the only North American clinic that offers the Ablatherm treatment. The clinic is staffed by top urologists and is licensed in the province of Ontario.

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