Monday, April 2, 2012

Prostate Cancer Remedies

By Marky C. Johnson

Prostate cancer therapy options are numerous, but they depend on your age, how rapidly the tumor is spreading, your general well-being, the positive aspects, and also the possible side effects of the treatment choice. For patients with an early stage cancer, it could not be required to take them into therapy instantly; rather, doctors will recommend watchful waiting. Watchful waiting is closely keeping an eye on the patient's condition with out embarking on any remedies till symptoms start developing or changing. This really is done via common follow-up blood tests, rectal exams, as well as at times biopsies to monitor the growth of the cancer. Watchful waiting is particularly completed in older men with other life-threatening medical conditions. If the tests show that the cancer is progressing, then you'll be able to opt for prostate cancer remedies for instance radiation or surgery.

You will find two kinds of radiation therapy: external radiation therapy and internal radiation therapy. External therapy is also referred to as beam therapy. In beam therapy, radiation is given from a machine that looks like an x-ray machine. In beam radiation, you lie on a surface and a machine is placed on your body. The machine moves about your body discharging high-powered power beams to your prostate cancer. The therapy sessions go for 5 days a week for a couple of weeks.

In internal radiation therapy, radioactive pellets are injected directly into the prostate gland. This technique is also called brachytherapy or seed therapy. Here, rice-sized radioactive seeds are placed in your prostate tissue. The seeds deliver short doses of radiation for quite a long time period. Radioactive seeds are placed having a needle that is guided by ultrasound pictures. Even when the seeds cease discharging any radiation, they are not removed. Radiation therapy can cause painful, frequent, and urgent urination as side effects. In some instances there could also be rectal symptoms such as discomfort when passing stool or loose stool. Erectile dysfunction is also a side effect related to radiation.

The other prostate cancer treatment is a hormone therapy. Its intention would be to lower androgen levels which are mostly in the testicles. Androgens are male hormones for instance testosterone which encourage the growth of cancer cells. By eliminating the supply of androgens, the cancer cells die or mature slowly. Hormone therapy is accomplished via medication. Pills or injections are given over a period of many months, or the testicles are surgically removed. Hormone therapy is employed alongside other prostate cancer remedies. This remedy option is utilised in patients who have cancer that has gone further than the prostate gland. Some of the significant side effects of this treatment are loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, weakened bones, fatigue, and osteoporosis.

Prostate cryotherapy is also another remedy for prostate cancer. This remedy involves killing cancer cells via controlled freezing temperatures. In this method, freezing temperatures are delivered to the prostate though protecting the surrounding healthy tissues. Prostate cryotherapy therapy is given after radiation and hormone therapy has failed to get rid of cancer cells. In comparison to other prostate cancer treatments, this alternative has lesser side effects. Patients who undergo this therapy have lower rate of urinary incontinence. This remedy can be a 1 time process too and will not require hospitalization.

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