Thursday, April 5, 2012

Continuance Rates Of Prostate Benign Cancer Victims Over Time

By Peter Lampari

Prostate cancer is present in the gland that is found in the male reproductive system. The disease grows gradually even though there are special circumstances where it grows rapidly to the different parts of your body. These are aggressive strains of it where the cells grow in an uncontrollable manner. These usually spread to the bones and lymph nodes. It also makes it hard for people to urinate or have a healthy sex life due to erectile dysfunction.

It is a disease that generally occurs in men that have reached their old age. It is the most common disease for men and it is dangerous since many men that have been diagnosed did not report any signs of having it.

This is probably because it grows so slowly in the body so they will not feel any of the signs that come with it. Many of the people who have it are older and generally have ill health. They will be more susceptible to other diseases such as pneumonia that may be the cause of their deaths and not the cancer.

For the last thirty years there has been an improvement in the number of survivors of this disease in the UK. It's difficult however to interpret these trends since there has been a great increase in technological advances. These include the introduction of prostate specific antigen and trans urethral resection of the prostate testing.

There are about twenty five thousand males that are diagnosed with it in UK each year. However there are a couple of things which often determine how likely it is that one may live for a long time. This includes things such as the length of time that the person has had it for and how much it has spread in the body. It could be possible that it has not yet spread to other parts.

One could live for five years if this is so. One cannot expect to live very long after they have been diagnosed. However if it has not spread to the body then one has a seventy percent chance of survival up to five years. It is unfortunate for those who are diagnosed late when it has actually spread to the different parts of the body as it means that they have a twenty percent chance of surviving up until five years. The UK is fortunate to have access to health care for many of their citizens. This is not always the case for many developing countries therefore it probably has more people surviving the illness.

A doctor who checks this is called a urologist. They are capable of running tests which determine whether you have it or not. It is also possible for them to see what the risks are for an individual patient. The risk factor is what helps the urologist decide on the medication they will give to each patient.

There are a variety of these tests done such as the CT or MRI scan and others that give an indication of prospects of surviving the treatment of prostate cancer.

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