Saturday, November 19, 2011

Prostate Cancer Symptoms - Markers Prompting a Check-Up

By Joseph Coler

Prostate cancer is yet another type of cancer that basically makes men prone to contracting it generally because it is a form of malignant tumor developing in the prostate gland of their reproductive system. It is already a general knowledge how there is particularly no 'sole' cure for any kind of cancer, so a cancer patient does not have any choice but to rely on concurrent treatments.

So before anyone suffers from its deathly hands, people should ensure that they are well-informed of the number of prostate cancer symptoms that may likely manifest on their body. Keeping in mind the following signs and symptoms would greatly help as it is a fact that the early stages of prostate cancer do not show any indications at all, not unless you are examined via the digital rectal exam (DRE) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening test.

1. Hematospermia
Hematospermia means blood in the semen. While it is said to be common to sexually-active men, it is never normal when it is already persistent and is accompanied by pain.

2. Struggling During Urination
Dysuria refers to pain while urinating, and it is probably one of the vague prostate cancer symptoms that a patient may experience as it may result from the pressure placed by the tumor on the urethra, which passes through the prostate gland.

Additional prostate cancer symptoms are repeated micturition, numerous urination in every night (nocturia), having trouble in initiating and continuing a steady urine and finding a bloodstained urine (hematuria).

3. Intercourse Problems
Due to the connection between your prostate gland and testes, the organ that produces sperm cells, there may be instances when you would suffer from painful ejaculation or perhaps erectile dysfunction.

4. Bone Discomfort
Finally, experiencing bone discomfort would allow one to know that his prostate cancer may be already in an advanced stage. This is for the reason that this form of cancer has the ability to proliferate to other parts of the body, specifically to bones as well as lymph nodes. 

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