Monday, October 24, 2011

Know More About Prostate Cancer

By Krish Rock

Prostate cancer is cancer that starts in the prostate gland. The prostate is a small, walnut-sized structure which wraps around the urethra making up the part of a man's reproductive system which produces a fluid that makes up part of semen. Generally, a tumor grows slowly and remains confined to the gland for many years. During this time, the tumor produces little to no symptoms or outward signs. Some aggressive types of this cancer grow and spread more rapidly than others and can cause a significant shortening of life expectancy in men affected by them.

This type of cancer is the most common malignancy in American men and the second leading cause of deaths from cancer, after lung cancer. It is the most common cause of death from cancer in men over age 75. Prostate cancer is rarely found in men younger than 40. According to the American Cancer Society's most recent estimates, 217,730 new cases of prostate cancer would be diagnosed in 2010 and 32,050 would die from the disease.

Most people have been enjoying spaghetti with tomato sauce since childhood. Keep up the healthy habit and experiment with "grown-up" versions by adding garlic, onions, peppers, or other delights of the garden.

Lycopene is best absorbed when the tomatoes have been cooked, meaning that spaghetti sauce, canned tomatoes, or tomato paste used in soup are all particularly good sources. Even ketchup contains some valuable prostate-protecting benefits, but make sure to add it to veggie-burgers or baked potato "fries" (sweet, russet, or new) instead of the usual suspects.

HIFU can be used as a prostate cancer salvage technique when other non-repeatable treatments fail. Surgery to remove the prostate and some of the tissue around it is an option when the cancer has not spread beyond the prostate gland. This surgery is called radical prostatectomy. Radiation therapy uses high-powered x-rays or radioactive seeds to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy works best to treat prostate cancer that has not spread outside of the prostate. Testosterone is the body's main male hormone which can cause prostate tumors to grow. Hormonal therapy is a treatment that decreases the effect of testosterone on prostate cancer. These treatments can prevent further growth and spread of cancer.

Many patients with prostate cancer that has not spread can be cured, as well as some patients whose cancer has not spread very much outside the prostate gland. Following a vegetarian, low-fat diet or one that is similar to the traditional Japanese diet, which would include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, may lower your risk.

Mix in chopped carrots, spinach, corn, beans, or little potato cubes into your bowl of lycopene liquid. Or, if smooth soup is still your favorite, throw a bunch of veggies such as celery, peppers, or squash into the blender and then add the puree for a powerful prostate protector. Add a whole grain roll, and you've taken your vitamins.

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