Monday, August 8, 2011

What You Ought To Know About Enlarge Prostate

By Kevin Mai

As a man ages, the chances of him suffering with an enlarge prostate increases. If this condition is not treated, it will prevent the urine from flowing out of the bladder. This will cause bladder problems, urinary tract infections and possible kidney problems.

Most of the fluid that is present in semen is produced by a male organ called the prostate gland. It sits below the bladder. The urethra is a tube that facilitates the passing of urine from the bladder through the penis. This tube goes through the middle of the prostate. When the gland enlarges, the passage shrinks and this blocks the flow of urine. The reason for this happening is not fully known, but it is suggested that the change in hormones in aging men may be responsible.

The infection may worsen if not treated. One of the symptoms is if you have to strain to urinate. You may also experience problems when you try to start urinating. Another symptom is if there are intermittent breaks in urination. The urgent need to urinate often may also be present. You may feel that your bladder has not been emptied sufficiently.

Blood might be present in the urine and you may suffer from a urinary tract infection. There could also be the formation of bladder stones as well as impaired kidney function. Those who are most at risk are older men. Men under the age of 40 rarely exhibit symptoms whereas about half the number of men in their 60s will have some symptoms. If there is a family history with this problem, then you will be prone to it. This condition is more prevalent among white and black males.

Your doctor will order several tests to enable him or her to find out the precise problem. A rectal examination will be performed. This will allow the doctor to check if the prostate is enlarged and also to check if there are any potential cancer related signs. You will be required to have a urine test. A urinary flow test will be performed. A biopsy may be performed in order to either rule out or identify cancer.

This enlargement becomes a serious matter when it becomes very difficult for you to empty your bladder. If you reach a point where you are unable to urinate at all, your doctor may have to use a catheter to allow the draining of your bladder. This involves either threading a tube through your urethra or inserting a tube through your lower abdomen.

You may suffer bladder damage if the condition has been persistent and the bladder has not been completely emptied for a long time. Kidney damage could be caused by the pressure of a full bladder. The pressure can damage the kidneys or transfer infection to the kidneys.

Medications are normally prescribed for enlarge prostate. If the medication is ineffective or your symptoms are severe, your doctor may recommend surgery. There are lifestyle changes you could make like urinating when you feel the urge. Limit your intake of antihistamines or decongestants as these tighten the muscles that control the urine flow. There is also the option of herbal treatments.

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