Sunday, August 28, 2011

Prostate Condition - Helpful Information That Many Don't Know

By Teb Molombo

The most effective way to combat prostate cancer is to be knowledgeable about it; that way, if you are diagnosed with it, the chances you have of fighting it off successfully will be much higher.

Prostate cancer can be detected and treated in its early stage, thanks to a screening test called the prostate specific antigen (PSA), which is used to determine the amount of proteins called prostate specific antigen. Excess amounts of this protein usually indicate that the body is being invaded by prostate cancer. Medical castration uses Latinizing hormone releasing hormone agonists (LHRHa's) to treat prostate cancer and this treatment works by stopping the production of male hormone in the testicles.

Prostate cancer can be successfully treated, thanks to the breakthroughs being made in the medical and scientific world. It's obvious that the future will definitely provide more effective and permanent solutions to the condition.

You can fasten your treatment of postrate cancer by making sure you faithfully take the recommended drugs and follow any directive on health or lifestyle made to you by your doctor. There are some potent hormonal and anticancer drugs that are very effective in the treatment of prostate cancer; these drugs have been noted to help to stop the spread of cancerous cells and decrease the size of the prostate tumor.

In spite of the fact that prostate cancer causes impotence and urinary problems for many people, statistics have indicated a high number of cases where victims have had the cancer removed and have not suffered any of these problems.

An estimate of 549,000 new cases of prostate cancer the world over as at 2000 was given by the world health organization (WHO).

Statistics indicate that Africa American men are twice more likely to suffer from prostate cancer than other people.

prostate cancer can go years without being discovered because it basically has a slow growth rate and moreover, it takes even more time before the symptoms are exhibited. A variety of treatments for cancer is now available among which is Gene therapy. This treatment is potent enough to strengthen the immune system of a person with cancerous cell thereby decreasing the chances of future growth.

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