Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is There Any Prospect For A New Prostate Cancer Treatment?

By Owen Jones

Millions of people every year wonder whether there is the chance of a new prostate cancer therapy on the horizon that will bring the hope of life to the approximately 28,000 men who die of prostate cancer each year in the USA. Not just that, but there are almost 200,000 new cases diagnosed in the USA alone every year too.

In this piece, we will take a succinct look at the newest treatments that are already available now or might be soon. However, by the time you read this piece, it is quite likely that there will have been further advances, and possibly set-backs, in the new methods. Therefore, it is sensible to do further research if you are interested in any of the concepts raised here.

One of the most recent drugs to be approved by America's FDA is called Provenge, which was invented by a firm known as Dendreon. The side effects associated with Provenge range from flu-like indications to stroke, but a stroke is very improbable.

Provenge works by stimulating the patient's own immune system to attack and defeat the cancer. This means that it is totally different in nature from both chemotherapy and hormonal treatments.

The typical side are quite mild because the treatment uses cells from the patients own body to make the medicine which stimulates the immune system.

The patient has to go to a cell collection centre to give cells before each treatment is given. This may give rise to a possible illness, which is normally mild if it does occur. A temperature and flu-like indications can happen for a couple of days. Three doses of Provenge are required for a complete cure.

Cryotherapy is still in its infancy, but it continues to demonstrate more and more promise. Cryotherapy is the process of freezing the cancer to death. It is most effective if used against prostate cancers in their early stages.

Prostate cancers in their earliest stages are still contained within the margins of the prostate itself and therefore no metastasis has begun. Doctors are able to freeze a very precise area with a 'cryoneedle'. However, the area that can become frozen at one time is very small, hence its suitability for small, newly-forming cancers.

Cryotherapy is becoming more effective all the time and produces virtually no side effects except perhaps a little bleeding. Most 'healthy' patients are able to go home after each session, although those with other complications may need to remain in hospital overnight.

As stated above, these are quite modern remedies that are still being improved upon although they are in everyday use. If your GP does not mention them, you could bring them up in conversation or go to another GP for a second opinion.

if you are a male over the age of fifty, it is worth bringing up these subjects with your physician when you go for your next check up, I am certain that he or she will have more up-to-date details on the issue.

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