Friday, March 30, 2012

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

By Melanie D. Sidhu

Only couple of individuals come to know about the symptoms of prostate cancer. This type of cancer occurs only in men. They're increasing day-to-day among them. It's very carefully deemed as the main trigger for death in males. In the starting stage, this illness can't be traced out. When the condition is diagnosed, at that time, the disease has spread all over the body. It can be extremely vital for you to have information of prostate cancer symptoms to ensure that you'll be able to prevent inside the beginning stage.

This disease affects the overall wellness of all individuals. It reduces the degree of power, social life, and sexual life of a person. For anyone who is familiar with the prostate cancer symptoms, you ought to consult the doctor to take remedy for this dreadful disease definitely without fail. Just as with other cancers, this disease is quite harmful also life-threatening.

Prostate cancer has numerous symptoms like other diseases. Generally, males with age group of additional than 50 years are suffering with this kind of cancer. Few prostate cancer symptoms are given beneath for you to get concerning the deadly disease in the early stage.

1. Troubles through urination

The very first frequent symptom is troubles during urination. You have to check with these troubles. There will probably be really difficulty though passing urine due to the fact that the bladder and the prostate are close together. Consequently, the tumors arise within the component of prostate and then push the bladder; hence, there is going to be difficulty when passing urine.

2. Existence of Blood inside the urine

The second symptom is that existence of blood in the urine. In the event you see blood if you are passing urine then you've to consult your family members and physician instantly without having delaying. You can not guess that it is a cancer; it may well also as a result of other infections. Eventhough, you should take care of one's medical checkup within the beginning stage.

3. Troubles through erection

Prostate cancer also affects sexual also personal life simply because it troubles in the course of erection. There might be lack of ability for keeping and finding an erection. From time to time, you are able to have painful ejaculation. Prostate is main component of reproductive program of males. If this challenge persists for you, it will be incredibly difficult within your sexual life. It affects the sex organ.

4. Swelling in your legs

People who are suffering with prostate cancer, surely, there is going to be swelling in the legs. You must notice this as 1 of the symptoms. This disease spreads to the entire lymph nodes. Because of this, there might be swelling inside your legs. Sometimes, your hips also buttocks also get severe discomfort. Because of this cause, there will likely be swelling within your legs.

5. Discomfort inside the pelvic area

You may have severe pain also discomfort in the region of pelvic. This occurs as a result of lymph nodes. The lymph node presses the location of pelvic and causes severe pain.

As a result, to stop from the illness prostate cancer, you should have information of the symptoms. Should you see any of the symptom given in this write-up, you quickly see the doctor. Then, only the physician will diagnose and let you know concerning the challenge, and you can begin the treatment in advance before the illnesses worsened.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Prostate Cancer Therapies

By Owen Jones

One in six men in the USA and Canada will need some form of prostate cancer treatment. This is a frightening idea, but countering it is the knowledge that around 90% of cases of prostate cancer are cured successfully.

Prostate cancers may be cut out, irradiated or otherwise treated. The sole requirement for guaranteed success is an early diagnosis. However, even if diagnosis is a little late, there is still a good chance of recovery, it is only that the cure might be more severe.

Before we go any farther on this issue, I have to warn you that what I am writing is my interpretation of my own research into prostate cancer. I am not a doctor; merely an interested party being a male who is beginning to enter the age bracket where the rate of prostate cancer begins to rise. I am over 50.

Prostate cancer is one of the more easily treatable cancers but it is certainly life-threatening. It is a significant illness that will kill you if you do nothing about it. The trick is to diagnose it early. The earlier you diagnose it, the more easily, more painlessly and more quickly it can be dealt with.

After a quick, simple and painless test, you will be told the likelihood that you have prostate cancer, but this test is not decisive, you will have to go for further tests to corroborate the diagnosis. If the check ups prove that you have a problem, your oncologist or urologist will determine a answer.

These are a few of the terms used when defining prostate cancer:

Stage One: cancer is found just in the prostate

Stage Two: a larger cancer but it is still discovered just within the prostate gland itself

Stage Three: the tumor is beginning to spread outside the prostate

Stage Four: the tumor is spreading outside the prostate to a greater degree

Stage Five: the cancer has spread to other regions of the body - metastasis.

Recurrent: the cancer comes back after therapy.

These different stages of prostate cancer might be treated in different methods:

Stage 1: sometimes referred to as localized prostate cancer, the doctor may suggest the following treatments: Wait and see. (Closely monitored) - Radiotherapy - Radical prostatectomy (full removal of the prostate) - Hormone therapy

Stage 2: this is more advanced but still localized within the prostate only: watchful waiting (with increased monitoring activity); Radiotherapy (may or may not be done with hormone therapy); radical prostatectomy (maybe with hormone therapy or not); hormone therapy

Stage 3: the cancer has progressed outside the prostate to nearby tissue: external-beam radiotherapy (Hormone Therapy or not) - hormone therapy - radical abstraction of the prostate (possibly hormone therapy or not) or Increased monitoring by the doctors

Stage 5: the prostate cancer has metastasized (spread throughout body and bones): hormone treatment - External-beam radiotherapy (with or without hormone treatment) - very closely monitored - chemotherapy

Recurrence of Prostate Cancer: Close monitoring - Possibly all of the above treatments

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is There Any Prospect For A New Prostate Cancer Treatment?

By Owen Jones

Millions of people every year wonder whether there is the chance of a new prostate cancer therapy on the horizon that will bring the hope of life to the approximately 28,000 men who die of prostate cancer each year in the USA. Not just that, but there are almost 200,000 new cases diagnosed in the USA alone every year too.

In this piece, we will take a succinct look at the newest treatments that are already available now or might be soon. However, by the time you read this piece, it is quite likely that there will have been further advances, and possibly set-backs, in the new methods. Therefore, it is sensible to do further research if you are interested in any of the concepts raised here.

One of the most recent drugs to be approved by America's FDA is called Provenge, which was invented by a firm known as Dendreon. The side effects associated with Provenge range from flu-like indications to stroke, but a stroke is very improbable.

Provenge works by stimulating the patient's own immune system to attack and defeat the cancer. This means that it is totally different in nature from both chemotherapy and hormonal treatments.

The typical side are quite mild because the treatment uses cells from the patients own body to make the medicine which stimulates the immune system.

The patient has to go to a cell collection centre to give cells before each treatment is given. This may give rise to a possible illness, which is normally mild if it does occur. A temperature and flu-like indications can happen for a couple of days. Three doses of Provenge are required for a complete cure.

Cryotherapy is still in its infancy, but it continues to demonstrate more and more promise. Cryotherapy is the process of freezing the cancer to death. It is most effective if used against prostate cancers in their early stages.

Prostate cancers in their earliest stages are still contained within the margins of the prostate itself and therefore no metastasis has begun. Doctors are able to freeze a very precise area with a 'cryoneedle'. However, the area that can become frozen at one time is very small, hence its suitability for small, newly-forming cancers.

Cryotherapy is becoming more effective all the time and produces virtually no side effects except perhaps a little bleeding. Most 'healthy' patients are able to go home after each session, although those with other complications may need to remain in hospital overnight.

As stated above, these are quite modern remedies that are still being improved upon although they are in everyday use. If your GP does not mention them, you could bring them up in conversation or go to another GP for a second opinion.

if you are a male over the age of fifty, it is worth bringing up these subjects with your physician when you go for your next check up, I am certain that he or she will have more up-to-date details on the issue.

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Friday, March 2, 2012

The Truth About Prostate Cancer Remedies

By Owen Jones

Each year, in the United States alone, about 185,000 men are diagnosed with some level of prostate cancer. These new patients are in addition to the roughly five million previously diagnosed with the illness.

Around 28,000 of those five million die every year. Therefore, the number of men with prostate cancer in the USA is rising every year, although some patients are 'completely cured' as well. The question is: what does 'completely cured mean'?

In an article of this size, we can only mention, but not discuss at length, the items brought up. These conclusions; are also my own, although I have reached them after doing my own research.

However, I am not a GP so it is possible that I have made errors of interpretation. If you are interested by the subject of this piece, please do your own investigation or and ask your doctor.

This first thing to point out is that prostate cancer is a cancer and all cancers are very serious. That is self-evident, but it needed saying. There is no cure for the thing we call cancer, whether it be cancer of the gums, cancer of the skin or prostate cancer.

You cannot go into a chemist's, a physician's surgery or even an operating room with cancer and walk out entirely cured. Having said that people do survive cancers and one of the easiest to overcome is prostate cancer. However, it should be reiterated that there is no one complete cure.

There are several methods of treating prostate cancer and halting or slowing the growth of the cancer usually depends on a blend of remedies. Luckily for men, prostate cancer is one of the slowest growing cancers, especially in the early phases.

It is crucial to catch cancer in the early stages, If doctors are to have a chance of beating it. However, 'beating it' in this context means giving the patient a passable chance of living a further five years outside hospital.

Prostate cancer is one of the easier ones to treat and around 90% (some state 98%) of patients will live for over 10 years after treatment. As many men who get the illness are getting on anyway (60-70 years old), this puts them in the bracket where they would most likely die of something after 10 years anyway.

This reasons for this 10 year period of good health is referred to by some people as a cure, but all doctors advise their patients to keep having regular check-ups, because you never can tell with cancer - it might come back again.

Doctors can kill cancerous cells or cut them out, but they do not know why they grow in the first place, so they cannot stop them returning. In this regard, there is no cure just surgery. You are not able to take a tablet to make it go away like you are able to with a toothache.

However, there have been excellent advances in prostate cancer treatments and it may not be long before further advances are made and when they have learned how to cure one cancer, perhaps the ideas and methods can be used on other cancers too.

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