Monday, February 6, 2012

What a Prostate Massager Can Be Used For

By Joyce Hatton

A prostate massager or prostate stimulator can be used for medical purposes, as an alternative therapy for enlarged prostate or for sexual stimulation. The gland is the storage facility for semen. It grows during puberty and then again, likely due to hormonal changes, after a man reaches the age of 40. Stress incontinence is a condition after surgery.

Affecting men in their later years, around 70 is common. Most men will suffer from some form of prostate cancer. Indications of a enlarge prostate causing pain or frequent urination is some cases may be preventable. Doctors have recommenced stimulating the glad using a prostate massager along with exercising and a healthy diet to prolong your chances of getting prostate cancer.

A few Doctors in the US don't agree that using a prostate massager due to your chances of infection or tearing tissue. But most believe its one of the best ways to stimulate the prostate for blood flow. Doctors sometimes use prostate massager's to determine the reaction of your prostate and pull secretion samples for microscopic reviews during a checkup.

China still uses the prostate massager's for conic inflammation treatment based on a study done in 2008 by a group of doctors. Prostate massager's being used independently reviewed my doctors in the 1990's showed no difference in effectiveness than drug therapy.

Prostatic cancer is less common in Asia, but there is more reason to believe the decreased incidence is due to different dietary habits and level of physical activity, rather than the regular use of a prostate stimulator. Dietary habits that may be beneficial include eating more fish and vegetables. Some popular Asian foods have natural anti-inflammatory activity, such as Shitake mushrooms. Numerous researchers have suggested that increasing our intake of natural anti-inflammatories may help reduce the risk of cancer anywhere in the body.

When used for sexual stimulation, a prostate massager must be used with care. Typically, they are shaped like fingers and should be well-lubricated. The massage should be done in a gentle circular motion, never in a thrusting manner.

Prostate massager's can help arousal one's penis and stimulate an erection if suffering from erectile dysfunction. Prostate massager's are commonly used with married couples having arousal difficulties in the bedroom.

Go online and research for the best prostate massager or ask your doctor about them.

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